The EU’s Bid for Semiconductor Sovereignty: Strengthening Europe’s Chip Ecosystem


The European Chips Act, which came into effect in September 2023, “strengthens Europe’s competitiveness and resilience in semiconductor technologies and applications and will contribute to both the digital and green transitions.”

The goal is to create conditions for the development of a robust and advanced industrial sector in semiconductor technology in Europe, attract investments, promote research and innovation, and prepare member states for any future chip supply crises.

By 2030, the European Union will invest over 100 billion euros to bring EU production of electronic chips and semiconductors to 20% of global capacity.

The European Union aims to build its technological sovereignty by evolving its competition rules as well.

By promoting collaboration, innovation, and resilience in the semiconductor sector, the implementation of the Chips Act represents a crucial moment for a more sustainable, inclusive, and digital Europe.

Written by: Nicola Frau

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