Italy chose
Editorial 11 December 2016On the 4th of December the so much waited constitutional referendum in Italy was held. The result left
On the 4th of December the so much waited constitutional referendum in Italy was held. The result left
On December 4th 2016 Italian citizens decided to vote against the constitutional reform. The “Riforma
In the aftermath of the Italian referendum held on the last 4th of December, the European Union must
Does Europe need UK? Now that the EU is passing through one of its worst moments in history, would it not be
Amid the recent risk of Grexit and Eurozone crises, extraordinary migration flows, terrorist attacks
Britain has awakened more divided than ever in the aftermath of the referendum on Brexit. While England
Yesterday on 23 June 2016, Britons went to the polls and voted in favour of Brexit, namely to leave the
British people decided: it will be Brexit. But the result is uneven in different regions, as Scots and
The referendum campaign on the Brexit came to an end. The tone of the election campaign were brutal,
The overall atmosphere concerning the potential Brexit is getting warmer as the Referendum, foreseen