Spain’s EU Presidency: prioritizing economic affairs and finances


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As Spain assumes the European Union (EU) presidency in July 2023, the country is set to play a pivotal role in shaping the economic landscape of the region. With a special focus on economy affairs and finances, Spain’s presidency will address crucial challenges, such as post-pandemic recovery, sustainable growth, and the advancement of a digital and green agenda.

Post-Pandemic Recovery is on top of Spain’s priorities. Spain recognizes the urgent need to revive the European economy after the COVID-19 crisis. As the EU presidency, it will strive to strengthen economic recovery measures and ensure a sustainable and inclusive rebound. Spain will advocate for the effective utilization of the Next Generation EU funds, promoting investment in key sectors such as healthcare, infrastructure, renewable energy, and digital transformation.

The country recognizes the importance of transitioning to a carbon-neutral and circular economy. It will encourage the adoption of ambitious climate policies, promote the use of clean energy sources, and support sustainable innovation. During its presidency, Spain aims to enhance the EU’s digital capabilities and ensure that all member states can reap the benefits of the digital revolution. The focus will be on fostering digital literacy, promoting digital inclusion, and supporting the development of emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence and blockchain.

According to Spanish Programme of presidency, Spain intends to consolidate the conditions for EU reindustrialization as a prerequisite for citizens’ prosperity, ensuring that the industrial sector thrives and contributes to economic growth and job creation. It will furthermore strive to place the European Union at the forefront of the technological revolution by fostering a regulatory framework that combines incentives for technological development and innovation while protecting EU users’ rights. Lastly, in domain of economy, it will strengthen open strategic autonomy by reducing vulnerabilities in essential supplies like food, energy, and health, and consolidating alliances with reliable partners, ensuring the EU’s resilience in critical sectors.

As the EU presidency, Spain will also prioritize strengthening economic governance within the European Union. It aims to enhance fiscal coordination, improve budgetary discipline, and foster economic convergence among member states. Spain recognizes the importance of a stable and resilient eurozone and will work towards deepening the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU). This includes advancing initiatives for fiscal harmonization, reinforcing the Banking Union, and strengthening the role of the European Stability Mechanism. Spain’s presidency will be instrumental in ensuring a more robust and cohesive economic framework for the EU. Addressing Social and Economic Disparities: Spain understands that achieving economic stability requires addressing social and economic disparities within the European Union.

As the EU presidency, it will advocate for policies that promote social cohesion, reduce inequalities, and enhance the welfare of European citizens. Spain will prioritize initiatives aimed at reducing youth unemployment, advancing gender equality, and supporting vulnerable groups. By focusing on inclusive growth, Spain aims to build a stronger and fairer European Union that benefits all its citizens.

Written by: Nenad Stekić

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