SKI.F.T. Skills for Transition: new call for social economy enterprises

EU funding opportunities

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The call for proposals for the ‘Skills for Transition’ (SKI. F.T.) for consultancy and training services for social economy enterprises (SEEs).

SKI. F.T is a European project, funded by the Single Market Programme, aimed at accompanying micro and small enterprises in the social economy in their efforts to make their business model and activities more environmentally sustainable.

The objective of the SKI call. F.T is to enable social economy enterprises to better understand the possibilities of the green transition and increase the success and impact of their projects, helping to strengthen the resilience, innovation capacity, competitiveness and sustainability of their activities.

The call will provide selected organizations with consulting and coaching activities aimed at developing sustainable business models, namely:

  • Understanding: An initial interview to understand the candidate’s needs for the green transition.
  • Goal setting: Elaboration of a dedicated path to meet the identified needs.
  • Advisory: Thematic webinars, workshops or on-the-ground support.
  • Coaching: Individual or group coaching and exchange with other organizations and networks.
  • Strategy: Final evaluation scheme of the beneficiary organisation’s green transition model.

In addition, for a selected number of candidates who will successfully participate in the training activities (phase 1), there will be the opportunity to apply in a subsequent call for capacity building services to be launched in October 2024 (phase 2), as well as to participate in a transnational workshop on the green transition at European level, scheduled for January-February 2025 (phase 3).

Applicants are micro and small social economy enterprises established in one of the EU countries or associated countries eligible under the COSME section of the Single Market Programme.

The budget made available amounts to € 484,200, with the expectation of supporting at least 60 social economy enterprises for a minimum period of 3 months.

Deadline for submission: 30 September 2024

Official documents available here

Written by: Margherita Genua

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