A European public sphere: a new online media offer for young Europeans
EU funding opportunities 21 June 2020The European Commission launched the call for proposal ‘A European public sphere: a new online media offer for young Europeans’, which supports the goals of the New EU Youth Strategy and the New EU Agenda for Culture.
This pilot project aims to engage with young Europeans by creating online spaces gathering content around themes and topics that are discussed at EU level. These spaces should allow them to compare perspectives from across Europe and empower them to discuss and discover how their interests link to relevant EU initiatives. Proposals should foresee selection and production of new content, to inform and engage young audiences across Europe in an open and constructive debate about recent and future life in Europe.
The European Commission expects applicants to gather at least five different media organisations from at least five EU Member States.
The consortium may include:
- Media organisations;
- Non-profit organisations (including youth organisations).
The call supports the production of topical, multilingual and stimulating content, through innovative transnational editorial processes. The distribution of new content, intended to inform and involve young audiences, should be on online spaces, spread through communication channels, project partner websites, blogs and social media networks.
The expected results are:
- Increased availability of online information, in different languages, around European topics that affect young people across the EU, presented in engaging formats through multiple viewpoints.
- Daily, thought-provoking content around current affairs, through innovative cross-border editorial processes.
- Innovative and engaging discussions and events, that help young Europeans exchange views and discover ways to get involved in pan-European projects.
The project should ideally start on January 2021. The suggested duration is 12 months and should not exceed 15 months.
The total budget earmarked for the co-financing of projects under this call for proposals is estimated at EUR 2.5 million. The maximum rate of co-financing is 70% of eligible costs.
Applicants may propose a lower co-funding rate.
Deadline for submitting application is 22 July.
All official documentation is available here