Europe for citizens launches new calls
EU funding opportunities 12 February 2017Recently the European Commission launched new calls under Europe for citizens Programme. The aim of this programme is
- To contribute to citizens’ understanding of the EU, its history and diversity
- To foster European citizenship and to improve conditions for civic and democratic participation at EU level
- To raise awareness of remembrance, common history and values
- To encourage democratic participation of citizens at EU level, by developing citizens’ understanding of the EU policy making-process and, by promoting opportunities for societal and intercultural engagement and volunteering at EU level
The Programme is implemented through two Strands and a horizontal Action:
Strand 1: European remembrance: Raise awareness of remembrance, common history and values and the Union’s aim.
Strand 2: Democratic engagement and civic participation: Encourage democratic and civic participation of citizens at Union level.
Measures in this strand are:
- Town Twinning
- Networks of Towns
- Civil Society Projects
The strand 1 supports activities inviting reflection on European cultural diversity and on common values. It aims to finance projects reflecting on causes of totalitarian regimes in Europe’s modern history (especially, but not exclusively, Nazism that led to the Holocaust, Fascism, Stalinism and totalitarian communist regimes) and to commemorate the victims of their crimes.
This strand also concerns other defining moments and reference points in recent European history. Preference will be given to projects encouraging tolerance, mutual understanding, intercultural dialogue and reconciliation.
Under the Strand 1, applicants can submit their proposals on following priorities:
- Commemorations of major historical turning points in recent European history
2017 – 2018 – 2019 – 2020 - Civil society and civic participation under totalitarian regimes
- Ostracism and loss of citizenship under totalitarian regimes: drawing the lessons for today
- Democratic transition and accession to the European Union
Projects under this strand should
- Include different types of organisations (local authorities, NGOs, research institutes etc.)
- Develop different types of activities (research, exhibitions, public debates, non-formal education etc.)
- Involve citizens from different target groups
- Be implemented on a transnational level, or with a clear European dimension
Project proposal shall involve organizations from at least one Member State. Special attention should be paid to the balanced integration and participation of citizens and civil society from all Member States into transnational projects and activities taking into account the multilingual character of the Union and the need to include underrepresented groups. Project promoters are encouraged to strengthen the transnational dimension of their project. Project implementation must take place within a maximum period of 18 months. Budget: Maximum eligible grant for a project: 100 000 EUR.
The strand 2 includes three specific measures:
- Town twinning – supporting projects bringing together citizens from twinned towns. By mobilising citizens at local and EU levels to debate on concrete issues from the European political agenda, this measure will seek to promote civic participation in the EU policy making process and develop opportunities for societal engagement and volunteering at EU level.
Towns/municipalities or their twinning committees or other non-profit organisations representing local authorities are encouraged to submit their proposals. A project must involve municipalities from at least 2 eligible countries of which at least one is an EU Member State. A project must involve a minimum of 25 invited participants. “Invited participants” are international participants sent by the eligible partner/s. Maximum duration of the meeting: 21 days.
Budget: Maximum eligible grant for a project: 25 000 EUR
- Networks of towns – providing funding to municipalities and associations working together on a common theme in a long term perspective, and wishing to develop networks of towns to make their cooperation more sustainable.
Eligible bodies for this action are towns/municipalities or their twinning committees or networks; Other levels of local/regional authorities; Federations/associations of local authorities. Non-profit organisations representing local authorities. A project must involve municipalities from at least 4 eligible countries of which at least one is an EU Member State. A project must involve a minimum of 30% of invited participants. “Invited participants” are international participants sent by the eligible partner/s. Maximum project duration is 24 months. Budget: Maximum eligible grant for a project: 150 000 EUR
- Civil society projects – supporting projects gathering citizens in activities directly linked to EU policies, providing an opportunity for direct participation in the policy making process. Funded activities may include: promotion of societal engagement and solidarity, gathering of opinions, volunteering.
The action support projects promoted by non-profit organisations, including civil society organisations, educational, cultural or research institutions. A project must involve organisations from at least 3 eligible countries of which at least one is an EU Member State. Maximum project duration is 18 months. Budget: Maximum eligible grant for a project: 150 000 EUR.
Under the Strand 2, proposals should address the following priorities:
- Understanding and Debating Euroscepticism
- Solidarity in times of crisis
- Combatting stigmatisation of “immigrants” and building counter narratives to foster intercultural dialogue and mutual understanding
- Debate on the future of Europe
Strand 1 European remembrance
Deadline for submission | Eligibility period: Projects must start between |
1 March | 1 August of the same year as the deadline and
31 January of the year after the deadline
Strand 2. Democratic engagement and civic participation
Measure | Deadline for
submission* |
Eligibility period: Projects must start between |
Town-Twinning | 1 March | 1 July of the same year of the deadline and 31 March
of the year after the deadline |
1 September | 1 January and 30 September of the year after the
deadline |
Networks of Towns
1 March | 1 July and 31 December of the same year as the
deadline |
1 September | 1 January and 30 June of the year after the deadline
Civil Society Projects
1 March | 1 August of the same year as the deadline and 31 January of the year after the deadline
More detailed information on the Initiative and official documentation can be found on: