Creative Europe: launched two calls for media development
EU funding opportunities 12 October 2015The EACEA Executive Agency, as part of the Creative Europe programme, opened two new calls addressed to audiovisual production companies.
– The call EACEA 18/2015 supports the production of audiovisual works for cinema, television or for digital platforms exploitation. The call has a budget of 5 million euros and two deadlines for the submission of applications: 19 November 2015 and 21 April 2016.
– The call EACEA 21/2015 will finance with 12.5 million euro projects of production of audiovisual works intended for television broadcasting. Two deadlines for the submission of applications are set also for this call: 3 December 2015 and 26 May 2016.
The target of this call is to enhance the capacity of independent audiovisual operators to develop audiovisual works with potential for circulation in the EU and outside the EU, and to facilitate European and international co-productions.
The support is intended to development activities for the following works:
• Feature films, animation and creative documentaries of no less than 60 minutes, mainly targeted at screening in cinemas;
• Fiction, animation and creative documentaries intended for television;
• Fiction, animation and creative documentaries for digital platforms exploitation.
The eligible beneficiaries are audiovisual production companies with independent legal status that must be established in one of the following countries:
– EU Member States;
– EFTA / EEA countries;
– Acceding countries, candidate countries and potential candidates;
– The Swiss Confederation;
– Countries covered by the European Neighbourhood Policy.
Applicants should be companies legally constituted for at least 12 months, with proven experience of a recent successful production.
The total budget available for this call is 5 million euro.
The financial contribution for a single project will consist of a lump sum of:
• 60.000 € in the case of a work of animation;
• 25.000 € in the case of creative documentary;
• 50.000 € in the case of fiction with a estimated production budget of 1.5 million euro, or 30.000 € in case of an estimated production budget lower than 1.5 million euro.
Proposals must be submitted electronically within the two foreseen deadlines: 19 November 2015 and 21 April 2016.
Official text of the call and related guidelines are available at the following web page:
This call aims to promote and support the production of audiovisual works intended for television broadcasting and is addressed to independent production companies which are established in one of the countries eligible for the MEDIA Sub-programme, outlined above for the previous call.
The support is intended for audiovisual production – drama films, animation and creative documentaries – which involve the participation of at least three broadcasting companies from three different countries participating in the MEDIA Sub-programme.
Works must be produced with a significant participation of professionals who are citizens and/or residents of the countries eligible for this call.
The total budget available for the call is 12.5 million euro.
The EU contribution is set as follows:
• for drama and animation works it may not exceed 500.000 euro or 12.5% of total eligible costs of production;
• for first seasons of drama series, an amount of maximum of 1 million euro or 10% of total eligible costs can be requested;
• for creative documentaries it may not exceed 300.000 euro or 20% of total eligible costs of production.
The deadlines for the submission of proposals are 3 December 2015 and 26 May 2016.
Applications shall be submitted electronically.
Further information are available at the following web page: