• The road to the future


    Maybe we will not remember a lot regarding the Italian Presidency semester in the European Council, but we will never forget what happened in its final hours. Wednesday, January 7th is already an historic date: in Paris, terrorists attacked the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, causing 12 victims. A multiple shot to the heart of Europe, […]

  • Horizon 2020: Fast Track to Innovation Pilot now open

    EU funding opportunities

    On January 6, the first call for proposals Fast Track to Innovation Pilot (FTIPilot-2015-1) has been opened. The FTI pilot supports innovation projects from demonstration to market deployment. It is the only instrument of Horizon 2020 applied with a bottom-up logic, open to all categories of participants and aimed to promote innovation close-to-market. The resources […]

  • Directives of 2015 EU Foreign Policy

    External Relations

    2014 surely was a major turning point for Europe. The EU institutions undertook a full-fledged make-up, with a renewed composition of the Parliament and a brand new Commission and President of the European Council. Notwithstanding the expectable delay of its legislative activity, several external dossiers had to be updated at fast pace, especially due to […]

  • The Annual Growth (?) Survey


    After the winter break, people usually come back to work full of New Year’s resolutions and expectations. We don’t know what the 2015 has in store for our readers but we do know what the EU has in store for 2015. This is in fact the objective of the Annual Growth Survey (AGS), a Communication […]

  • Resettlement of refugees: crucial solution to a humanitarian challenge


    Resettlement is one of the most important international protection tools currently used to provide durable solutions for refugees, who have looked for protection in regions where their fundamental rights are (still) at risk. In practice, it consists in transferring a refugees from the State where he sought asylum to another State, which has previously agreed […]

  • The oil curse in Russia


    While European consumers are enjoying the new trend of low oil prices, several opinion makers are resuming Richard Auty’s theory of the resource curse for the Russian case. The resource curse, also known as the paradox of plenty, claims that countries who base their economy on the abundance of natural resources such as oil and […]

  • Commission Work Programme 2015: which room for social policies?

    Employment and Social Affairs

    At the end of 2014 the European Commission adopted the Work Programme for the upcoming year representing the new Commission’s political commitment for the realization of the priorities set by President Juncker’s political guidelines. In discontinuity with the previous programmes, the Commission adopted 23 new initiatives and proposed to withdraw or amend 80 of the […]

  • New year, new NEU


    First of all we would like to give you our best wishes for a wonderful 2015. A year that is supposed to be full of important events, both for Europe and the world. But also a year that brings with it fundamental questions. Will the end of the Italian Semester of Presidency imply a new […]

  • Horizon 2020 Innovation Prizes soon to be launched

    EU funding opportunities

    In July 2014, one of the main novelty resulting from the adoption of the updated 2014-2015 Horizon 2020 Work Programme has been the introduction of a new instrument: the Innovation Prizes. The Prizes, also known as Inducement prizes, will financially award five research innovative projects, able to reach a specific goal of crucial societal interest […]

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