• The 2017 Call for Proposals for Erasmus+ is now open!

    EU funding opportunities

    The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) has published the new calls for proposals under Erasmus Plus, the Union programme for education, training, youth and sport. This call for proposals covers the following actions of the Erasmus+ programme: Key Action 1 (KA1) — Learning mobility of individuals — Mobility of individuals in the field of […]



    The EU plays an important role in setting the direction of energy policy, particularly in the competition, environment and security areas. The EU is currently formulating legislative packages on climate change and competitiveness, which will form the basis for its future energy policy. In 2007, the EU committed itself to a set of ambitious climate […]

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    NEU is back. We hope for your interest and amusement. Certainly because, after our pause, the situation in EU is more complicated than ever. Also because, the relations between EU and US are more intricate than ever. CETA and TTIP will be the focuses of this number for this very reason. Them and their implication, […]

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