A SMP call for proposals launched to improve measurement of food waste

EU funding opportunities

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The European Agency for Health and Digital (HADEA) under the Single Market Programme (SMP) launched a call with the aim of tackling food waste by consumers.

The call supports EU stakeholders in the sector in adopting actions aimed to tackle consumer food waste (both at home and outside the home, for example in schools, canteens, restaurants, etc.) and finances the following categories of activities (non-exhaustive list):

  • behavioural change interventions (e.g. to stimulate the prevention of food waste at the consumer level such as specific tools and suggestions for households and food services, coaching programmes, etc.);
  • education and training (e.g. school programmes, staff training and actions in school canteens);
  • awareness-raising campaigns (at local, regional or national level);
  • measurement and reporting tools and solutions to prevent food waste at the consumption level (e.g. mobile applications and other monitoring tools in addition to self-reporting);
  • studies, data collection, and experimental actions that broaden the evidence base for consumer food waste prevention interventions (e.g., audience segmentation studies to better personalize and target actions).

Proposed actions should go beyond providing information to consumers and focus on supporting their behavioural change. Initiatives can combine awareness-raising with practical tips and tools to help consumers to reduce food waste. It is expected that project proposals explain what will be their impact at environmental, economic and social level.

The estimated available budget is 4.000.000 €.

The grant covers up to 50% of the eligible costs. Projects are expected to have a budget of approximately between €100,000 and €300,000)

Duration of projects: 18-24 months

Deadline for submission: 25 September 2024

Official documents available here

Written by: Margherita Genua

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